The rural economies in the twelve pilots of the PoliRural project are characterized by their own challenges and dynamics. To illustrate the diversity and complexity of the rural economies in the twelve PoliRural pilots, case studies on new entrants and new activities in the twelve PoliRural pilots are gathered. The case studies on new entrants and new activities in the twelve PoliRural pilots are available on the Best Practice Atlas and are interesting examples from practice that are fully of partially transferable to other regions or serve as inspiration for partners in the value chain.

A good example of a new entrant in the Slovakia Region pilot is the one from Jakub Dvorský, and the video from this case study can be visualized here.  Jakub’s business idea is grounded in traditions and ancestral heritage enriched with innovative features Jakub introduced: new elements of educational tourism into the village of Lišov.

Lišov Museum (NGO) functions as an innovative community organization providing educational tourism in the small village of Lišov.  NGO provides tourist education activities and services in its three buildings. The first is the traditional Lišov folk house called “Lišovská Izba” and represents typical local and regional architectural elements in a room that is decorated in a folk country style. The second is a replica of a Celtic roundhouse, and the third is the Mask Gallery, with a small shop selling handmade products from local artisans, artists, and farmers. Lišov Museum is currently working on the reconstruction of the house from 1887. The original materials such as clay, stone and wood are used for the renovation.  It is planned to have a cafe here in the future.  The Museum in Lišov actively participates in educational activities financed from the ERASMUS + program and through this grant program several exchange stays were carried out annually.  The entrepreneurial strategy of educational tourism combines innovative aspects that interact with expertise in local and regional history and traditions.  This main activity is further diversified into services provided directly in the three buildings.

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