General Info:
- Date: 13 July 2022 |15:00 CET
- Focus: Semex
- Moderator: 21C
- Experts: 22Sistema & AVINET
- Pilots: AUA (GR) & InnovAgritech (IT)

Experts & Pilots:
Antoni Oliva is an Agricultural Engineer specialized in environmental management and sustainability. I (He) use(s) System Dynamics as a tool to understand current situation and give qualitative insights and meaningful participation. Free-lance researcher and consultant with more than 20 years of experience in projects for administrations (local, national and international) and corporations. He is a founder of 22SISTEMA (www.22sistema.com).

Incoronata Langianese is a 3rd year PhD student in Health Economics at the University of Foggia, and she specializes in Economics and agricultural policy. Her work concerns not only research on international commerce and the impacts of trade policies on the regional and national agri-food sector but also rural studies and policies and their impacts. She is also a part of the crew at the Rural Development Laboratory at the University of Foggia and collaborates with Innovagritech, a spin-off of the same university.
Nicoleta Darra, Research Associate (Female). Nicoleta DARRA (F) is a PhD student in AUA, holding a M.Sc. degree in GIS and Spatial Analysis. Her research interests revolve around remote sensing applications, precision agriculture and data analysis. The last four(4) years, she has been involved in numerous research H2020 projects (IoF2020, Big Data Grapes, GATES, PoliRural, SHERPA, AgriCaptureCO2, FRIETS) related to rural development, smart farming and ICT technologies. Additionally, she has participated in several national projects as project manager (in research projects) and PA instructor (in educational projects). She has nine (10) papers, one (1) in international conference, five (5) in national conferences and four(4) in peer-reviewed journals.

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