The Region of Central Greece is trying to find how rural areas will become more attractive, through the implementation of the PoliRural project. For this reason, its Greek partners (Region of Central Greece, Agricultural University of Athens, NEUROPUBLIC, GAIA EPICHEIREIN) continue to hold online meetings with local business and academia, local government as well as representatives of social, economic, technological, environmental, political and other factors affecting rural development.
On 12th of April, 2022, the thematic newspaper with national circulation, Ypaithros Chora, published an article concerning Polirural project activities organised by the Greek pilot. The article describes the proposed rural development measures on critical regional issues related to the digitization and modernization of agriculture both in terms of improving productive activity and issues related to their environmental impact included in the PoliRural action plan. Particular emphasis was placed on alternative forms of tourism which should be in line with the requirements of the Green Deal on the adoption of climate-neutral practices and the reduction of greenhouse gases, as well as on the need for continuing education of farmers through university/training programs.
The article (in Greek) can be viewed here.
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