Within the framework of the PoliRural Project, the twelve pilot regions have drawn up a Regional Action Plan as an important output of the Foresight process. The aim of these plans are proposing solutions to the needs identified in its territory, through a participatory co-creation exercise with the stakeholders of the area.
To guarantee that the proposals in the Action Plan make sense, are logical and explained, and that the proposed policy challenges, measures and actions are suitable to meeting the needs identified in the analysis of the diagnosis and situation of the context of the territory, the regional pilots undertake two evaluations in the PoliRural project: ex-ante and ex-durante evaluations.
The pilot teams together with regional stakeholders and citizens develop a parallel process of mission-oriented transformation. Some remarkable issues arise from these practices, a better definition of the resources and sources of financing, with which the actions foreseen in the Action Plan will be promoted and the contribution from the local level, to achieve the EU missions for rural areas.
In the context of Segóbriga pilot, the dynamics of collaborative and joint work has given the stakeholders the skills they needed to propose ideas and strategies, to promote local development inspired by the principles of sustainability and digitization, according to the European territorial development policy (Green Deal, Long Term Vision for Rural Areas).
PoliRural has also helped Segobriga regions to seek funding sources to carry out their strategies. The “Inventory of policy options” and “Sources of finance” exercises, promoted by CKA, has shown pilots a wide variety of possible sources of financing, many of which the territories have never explored. This has provided an opening of new perspectives and possibilities.
Segobriga has put its Action plan into action. For this, other funds have been used, beyond LEADER, such as regional funds, ERDF funds, Next Generation funds, etc. In relation to Measure Improve the image and promotion of the territory as a sustainable tourist destination, two activities are running now with Next Generation funds: a new website for Segóbriga and the design of a new logo and Merchandising. Regarding Measure Promote entrepreneurship, the territory is already working on the creation of a website of resources and services (available here) at the municipal level, for new companies and entrepreneurs and financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The interactive app for tourism innovation (article included in PoliRural Newsletter #7) and a virtual map with information about touristic assets and hospitality services (bars, restaurants…) in the villages of the territory are actions for the Measure Improving the territory’s tourist offer, from the perspective of environmental sustainability and digitization already running, financed by Horizon2020.
PoliRural has also inspired Segóbriga as a candidate for a call for aid from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plans financed by the Next generation funds for Tourist Destinations in Sustainability strategies. Although PoliRural has greatly helped to boost the involvement of stakeholders in the Foresight process, it is necessary to consolidate a local strategy based on the rural attractiveness of the territory and to ensure our rural areas are being STRONGER, CONNECTED RESILIENT and PROSPEROUS.